Bisley Parish Council

Nominations for 2024 are now open.

Click here to vote.

Watch out for the results!
Nominations are only open to Bisley Parish Residents.

Andy Gill  was the first winner of the Bisley Citizen of the year. 

And here's why. ... 

Andy's compassionate nature and infectious positivity rubbed off on anyone he met. 

He was an asset to the people of Bisley with his humble and down to earth manner. 

Unbeknownst to everyone, Andy was always busy working unnoticed, behind the scenes. 

Without ego, Andy went above and beyond by dedicating his time to helping others.
Andy was one of the first volunteers of Webcare, taxiing elderly and vulnerable people to
appointments, or to see family. This extended to him spending his free time offering
companionship to those same people. 

Through his work in the prison service, he encountered people with special needs, whom he
brought into the prison to use the gym facilities, and continued meeting with and supporting
them after his retirement. 

Andy was rightly acknowledged for his endeavours by being invited to carry the Paralympic
Torch in 2012. 

Andy will always have Bisley's upmost respect, and his footprint will always live on.